Duties of a Security Guard

Private Security Company Baltimore is an effective crime deterrent, often just by virtue of its visible presence. However, it is also responsible for several other tasks, like patrolling properties, investigating suspicious activity, and responding to emergencies.

Security guard software simplifies these tasks, boosting efficiency and accountability. Your solution must offer features that promote transparency by enabling clients to see guards’ real-time location and assignment status.

Security risk assessments allow companies to locate and evaluate potential security issues. The process involves thoroughly reviewing everything from company policies to firewall configurations. The goal is to identify risks before threat actors can exploit them. These assessments will allow businesses to take action to mitigate any problems before they cause real harm.

Security assessments are vital to many industries, especially those that deal with sensitive information. They can help ensure that businesses comply with regulatory requirements such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). They also provide a means for companies to protect themselves from cyber threats and avoid costly data breaches.

The first step in a security risk assessment is identifying all of your company’s assets and documenting the threats that could impact those assets. This should include a listing of the types of data that is stored, transmitted or generated by each asset and any relationships between them. It’s also important to document all of your current security controls for each asset.

Once you’ve identified all of your assets and the associated threats, it’s time to evaluate each one. This should involve calculating the likelihood that each threat will exploit a vulnerability and the impact that would have on your company if that happened. Generally, risks are classified as high, medium and low.

This will allow you to prioritize your risks and determine which ones require immediate attention and which can be addressed at a later date. It’s also important to note that risks can change over time, so it’s important to revisit your security assessment on a regular basis.

Once you’ve prioritized your risks, it’s time to come up with a plan for addressing them. This should involve determining what security measures you’ll need to take to minimize each threat and how you’ll enforce those measures. It’s often helpful to use a matrix that helps you map out each risk based on its likelihood, impact and the effectiveness of your mitigation measures. This will allow you to quickly and easily see which risks are most likely to occur and which you need to address immediately.

Patrolling Property

Patrolling is one of the most important duties security guards perform. Consistent, visible patrols act as a deterrent to criminals, ensuring they’ll be stopped before they can commit an attack or damage a property. Patrolling also helps guards identify potential risks like trespassing, suspicious activity or environmental hazards. By identifying and addressing these problems, they prevent costly damage to businesses and communities.

Guards are trained to observe everything, from the smallest detail to the most blatant threat, and to respond to any situation that arises. Patrolling is an essential part of any security solution and can be customized to fit each client’s needs. For example, high-risk properties like jewelry stores might benefit from a combination of fixed post patrols and random patrols throughout the day.

To patrol effectively, guards must be familiar with the “normal” of a property—regular traffic patterns, usual activity levels and typical occupants. Patrols should also be a time to listen to the public. Often, guards are the first to hear about any suspicious behavior, and can alert police or medical personnel as needed.

Using GPS technology, managers can monitor guard locations in real-time, ensuring thorough coverage and enabling faster response times. Many security companies also use body cameras to increase transparency and accountability, deter bad behaviors, and provide valuable video evidence during incidents. And mobile reporting apps streamline reporting and empower guards to document observations and incidents on their own, improving efficiency and accuracy.

In residential communities, security patrols help residents feel safe and secure. They can spot issues like leaks, broken windows and environmental risks before they cause serious problems, giving residents peace of mind. Security patrols can even help keep residents and visitors safe from trespassers. Guards can check their IDs to ensure that they’re allowed on the premises and stop any unwanted guests.

Patrolling is also a powerful deterrent to criminals looking for an easy target. Seeing a security guard walking around the neighborhood puts off criminals who rely on opportunity and a lack of security presence to break into a property. In fact, studies show that a visible security presence can reduce crime rates by as much as 50%.

Enforcing Rules

While security guards are typically expected to de-escalate situations before resorting to force, they must understand the legal limitations of their authority. They have a duty to protect their employer’s property and people on the premises, but they cannot arrest anyone without specific authority. Training in de-escalation techniques and incident reporting are important to help them understand their scope of authority and work within it.

Guards can make a citizen’s arrest for crimes committed on the property they’re protecting, but only if they have a reasonable belief that a crime has been committed and that the person will pose a threat to the safety of others on the property. They also cannot hold a suspect for an unreasonable amount of time, and they must immediately report any use of force to their superiors and document the incident.

Having clear rules and regulations can also help deter criminal activity. For instance, being visible is often an effective deterrent to people looking to steal from a store or break into cars at an apartment complex. Security guards can also enforce rules such as bag checks at events to ensure only authorized patrons gain entry.

A security guard’s authority is primarily based on federal and local laws, as well as any specific rules set by their employer. Keeping up-to-date on these standards is crucial, as they can change or be updated at any time.

For example, it’s common for employers to require guards to have a valid state driver’s license or ID card, and some businesses may post a code of conduct that must be adhered to. It’s also a good idea for employers to have written contracts with guards detailing their job description, salary, and other aspects of employment.

It’s also essential to have liability insurance and workers’ compensation for all security guards. This not only protects the security guards in case of an accident, but it can help ensure that employers are meeting their legal obligations when it comes to fair labor practices. In addition, ensuring that all security guards have appropriate training and certification can help reduce the risk of an accident or injury while also helping to maintain quality service.

Responding to Emergency Situations

Security guards are trained to observe suspicious activity, spot security breaches, and report them immediately. This proactive approach to security reduces the chance of a crisis and increases the speed with which authorities can respond. In many cases, security staff is the first on scene at a fire or medical emergency and can act as a valuable source of information to paramedics and police officers.

The vigilance of security personnel can be especially beneficial in public spaces, where they can serve as a visible deterrent to crime and other types of unauthorized access. Hospitals, construction sites and other high-profile businesses often employ security personnel to monitor entrances, check credentials and maintain logs of all visitors. This prevents unauthorized people from entering the premises, protects sensitive equipment, and helps staff focus on their core job functions.

In many cases, the services of a security guard save lives. For example, people who faint due to overheating can often benefit from the immediate attention of a guard with CPR training. This is because every minute that passes by without intervention decreases the chance of survival by 10%. A security guard who is trained in CPR can immediately start chest compressions and use an AED if one is available, improving the chances of a positive outcome.

Security staff also frequently aid the general public with basic needs. For example, shoppers often appreciate security guards that can help them find a product or direct them to the right place in a store. Security guards who provide these simple customer service skills are an excellent addition to a business because they boost customer satisfaction by making customers feel safe and cared for.

The duties of security guards are complex and diverse, but they all work toward the same goal: keeping people and property secure. Security personnel are valuable assets for any business, providing a strong deterrent to criminal behavior, ensuring the safety of employees and customers and assisting the public in emergency situations. If you’re looking for a security guard in your area, consider hiring Able Security to meet all of your protection and surveillance needs. Contact us today to learn more about our extensive experience.